How does job market insights work?
By handling more than 300M job offers per year, Job Market Insights offers users a privileged view of the labour market.
your job
With our proprietary technology, we are able to identify duplicated job postings published in the market (regardless of the source) allowing us to give a true representation of unique job postings in the labour market.
Through machine learning algorithms and the development of our own ontology we are able to assign each job offer a corresponding employment sector, which allows us to effectively compare the market through standardised categories.
We standardise fields such as company name, location, job type and salary in order to facilitate the comparison of job offers across the market.
Job Market InsightsKey Features and Benefits
understand market
size and market share
Identify your category and location strengths and weaknesses and compare to the overall market. Quickly identify sectors that are growing and where the market trends are with Category Distribution, Location Distribution and Salary Analysis reports.
search, schedule,
view and export
You can build prospecting lists and upload directly into your CRM with our automated export to excel. Save reports within the tool and quickly access your preferred views. Customise your searches to get as granular as possible for in-depth market and customer views.
know your customers
and competitors
Research company posting behaviour. Learn how many sites your customers use, and see how you're ranked vs your competition. See where you can increase market share and gain a competitive edge over your competitors. Identify upsell opportunities. Target Missing Advertisers.
see who is using
our big data tool
If you’re in charge of growing your sales team, gaining more market share and analysing competitors, then Job Market Insights is the tool for you. Our users include Marketing Directors, Operation and Sales Directors, Account Managers, Insight Analysts and other professionals in the industry.
Our Tools
Category Distribution
Compare your site to the market, gain valuable market share insights as well as your positioning amongst the competition for each job sector.
Customer Penetration
Track key client behaviour. Detect upsell opportunities and see market share compared to your competitors for all your major accounts.
Location Distribution
Identify your strongest sectors, where you hold the most market share, and identify emerging markets. Discover your ranked position for each location compared to your competitors.
Missing Advertisers
Target customers in specific locations and sectors that are working with your competitors and are not on your site. Increase revenue potential, gain new customers and increase market share.
Salary Analysis
Analyse salary ranges throughout the market. See the most commonly offered salary brackets, your market share within each bracket, and filter by specific industry, location, job title and company (feature available in the UK).
Hot Leads
Hot Leads are vacancies being posted on paid sites multiple times with periods of up to 2 weeks in-between. These are hard-to-fill positions that are being paid for by companies and are in desperate need of qualified candidates.
Additional features and tools
Save customised reports online; Download reports to excel; Custom filters; Depictive data illustration; Company blacklist; Your market overview and market share as well as the total market overview.
We launched in 2007
and continue to grow…
29 Countries
9 Languages
+13M Job Offers/Month
Over 1,800 Job Boards
300M Job offers/year
Big Data
Job Offers: Job Market Insights Big Data pool draws from over 800 Million historical postings across 28 countries.
Smart Data: In-house technology developed over the last 10 years for smart data analytics at optimum speed.
Data Accuracy: Markets are launched on Job Market Insights once we have attained over 80% of the primary market. We research all sources of job postings to make sure Job Market Insights represents the full market available.
Data Experts: Our tech team continually optimise Job Market Insights to ensure best results from our ever increasing Big Data pool. This includes integrating our intelligent company names normalization, automated location identification, custom categorization, and job offer deduplication.